Je m’appelle Maud et je suis rentrée en France en 2017 après un tour du monde 2 ans dans 33 pays et avoir couru plus de 20 courses dans les 5 continents (environ 2500km). Vous l’avez compris, je suis une passionnée de course à pied, de trail et de voyages. Alors, je vous emmène (re)vivre mes folles aventures !
World Wild Runneuze’s travel to South Africa
May 29th, 2015
Finally I can share with you my travel from Tanzania to South Africa! What a great experience and what inspiring people I met on my way. Discover also new women with a new vision about running. Enjoy!
Africa, African runs, Videos, World Wild female runners, World Wild Runs, World's Runneuzes
I love Tanzania!
Discover my video about Tanzania, a wonderful country thanks to all the great people that I met and all diffrent landscape that you can see. Do not hesitate to comment this video or ask me more about Tanzania in this […]
Africa, African female runners, African runs, Kenya female runners, Videos, Videos of Africa, World Wild female runners, World Wild Runs, World's Runneuzes
Jambo, jambo buena…Kenya !
After a month spent in Kenya, I made a video about my travel and about theses Kenyan athletes interviews: – Flomena Cheyech Daniel – Helena Kirop – Jane Kiptou – Celestine Kwajuwai – Esther Chemtai All interviews were very interesting […]
Africa, African runs, World Wild Runs
My second marathon and not the last…
When I decided to go on a round trip world, I first chose Africa, and then I needed to pick races that I would like to do. For Tanzania, that was the easiest thing that I have done: I picked […]
Africa, African runs, World Wild Runs
Discover Kimbia Kenya instead of Kenya!
Left from France since one month, I participated to my first run race of my round trip world! This is for real now! Kimbia Kenya is a running race during 5 days where you are supposed to run 20km each day. You […]
African runs, Asian runs, North american runs, Oceanian runs, South american runs, World Wild Runs
World Wild Runs – Summary
Running races Country Date Kimbia Kenya Kenya January 30th to February 7th 2015 Kilmandjaro Marathon Tanzania March 1st 2015 Loskop South Africa April 18th 2015 Trail des Ô plateaux Madagascar May 5th 2015 Trek Népal May 14th 2015 Zendurance Marathon […]