Je m’appelle Maud et je suis rentrée en France en 2017 après un tour du monde 2 ans dans 33 pays et avoir couru plus de 20 courses dans les 5 continents (environ 2500km). Vous l’avez compris, je suis une passionnée de course à pied, de trail et de voyages. Alors, je vous emmène (re)vivre mes folles aventures !
I could not go to Tanzania and miss Zanzibar. It’s the most paradise island that I ever saw. Forget about only one island with sun and nice beaches! It’s more than that. I have directly felt it as soon I […]
Iten, let’s discover my Disneyland!
Last week I decided to go to in the most famous city of the world for running in Kenya : Iten. Everybody knows that Kenyan own all records in running competitions and especially in marathons. Thus, Iten was the best […]
4985 m climbing to push your limits
Departure on 26/01 for Mount Kenya ascent, highest mountain in this country at 4985m (each meter count especially the 5 last ones). Initially I should have left Nairobi at 7 am, but thanks to Nairobi’s traffic, I finally left at […]